WATCH: News Host REFUSES ‘Trans’ Guest’s Delusional Pronouns – Sets Her STRAIGHT

In today’s culture, the few have come to rule the many. If you are a woman who believes you are a man and wants to be called a plural, then we are expected to just do so or we are rude. Right?

TalkTv host Julia Hartley-Brewer decided she had enough when her journalist guest Shivani Dave, who is transgender, corrected her introduction. Hartley-Brewer introduced Dave with “she/her” pronouns and Dave replied that she prefers “they/them.”

Hartley-Brewer responded firmly, “Yeah, thank you for telling me your pronouns. I use correct grammar. So, the only thing I would need to refer to you as, to your face would be ‘you.’”

“But, I’m not being rude; you can choose your pronouns, you can choose what you want to call yourself, but you don’t get to require me to use incorrect grammar and factually incorrect things,”  the host continued. “You’re not a plural; you’re a one person, and you’re a female person, so I will use ‘she’ and ‘her.’ Thank you very much, do what you like I guess.”

Hartley-Brewer maintained that stance throughout the interview, reiterating that she “chose to use the correct pronouns for a single woman who is appearing on my show.”

A woman who sticks to her guns, I love it!

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    • Trucker—BRAVO——-these trannies are delusional. Make them deal with reality. Transgenderism is a mental disease–plain and simple.

      51% of trannies attempt suicide, is that fact telling or what???

  • She’s “very special”. Sounds like something mama told a two year old. That and she became stuck at the goo-goo ga-ga age mentally. So very special.

  • The only thing special about her is her level of IGNORANCE and INSANITY. Only those who are GREEDY QUACKS claiming to be Doctors and Democraps support these DELUSIONAL PEOPLE as normal. They only do so because of what they get from those MENTAL ILL people. Democraps get their vote and the GREEDY QUACKS get a steady paycheck. Neither item is WRONG in treating the MENTALLY ILL. Allowing those people to live their DELUSION hurts them far more than helps them.

  • You’re not special. You are psychologically maladjusted and need help. Call yourself what you want, but in no way will I be bullied and forced to validate your mental illness.

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